I found the whole thing a bit confusing at first.there are lots of different tabs of menus. They also threw in some different modes, and some "arcade machines" (which seem to be repaints of each other for the most part.typical "flash" style vehicle games). Which is to say, sometimes you will lose without having any say so in the matter.other times the ball is flying around and it feels awesome. The game seems faithful to the concept of pinball. IF you aren't a pinhead, you should start with the deluxe and recreation tables. Skip the ones that feel kinda "meh" for you. Overall I'd say you should play the demo tables on Zaccaria and find out which ones you enjoy. It is incredible that these guys are willing to support for such a niche OS. I have run Linux on my laptop since 2016. On top of all that, the Linux support just blows me away. It also lets you choose your scenery which is especially nice.

what you lose from a digital machine is the depth perception. I personally own a digital pinball machine (I own the Attack from Mars Arcade 1Up machine. This is the closest you will get to real pinball without actually buying a machine. There really is nothing else like that feeling. It brings me back to a time when I was quite young and had a few quarters to drop into a pinball machine.

Personally, the postal tables are my go-to.

Zaccaria is a whole other ball game (no pun intended!). The tables themselves can be really hit or miss!īut overall, the VR mode is absolutely incredible, as are the Deluxe tables! You have no idea how good pinball is unless you'be played either a real machine or pinball in VR. I know Zaccaria can be a bit of a hit or miss, or a controversial title for some. I understand that a lot of the older tables in pinball history were just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ quarter eaters but you can balance that by making the score achievements something you *can* get lucky for, as opposed to how it is now where it ***requires*** immense amounts of luck for a chance at the score you need. There are some severe balancing issues with some of the achievements, it makes me wonder if the devs played the table for more than 25 seconds before thinking okay 25k score seems reasonable for 90 seconds. Still a lot of fun to be had for the price (I have all tables and plan to buy any new ones too.) One gripe is that large chunks of achievements seem to be unobtainable because they are attached to tables that don't exist? I assume they were planned and just not finished or something but I'm not sure. Trying to compare it to pinball IRL its cheap as chips, but people who play pinball IRL are insane. Amazing tables that are a lot of fun to play even if they are a bit expensive.